A Needleroll, Chatelaine and Scissors Fob Set Lovely lilacs adorn these beautiful items to enhance your stitching! Lilacs have always been one of my favorite flowers of Spring. When I was young, my mother used to bring in huge bouquets from our own lilac bush in the back yard, and their fragrance would greet me at the door when I came home from school. In the sampler, you'll see touches of sparkling beads and teal blue overdyed waterlilies silks as well as perle cotton in teal green shades. Other fibers include a soft mauve pink perle cotton, and white Trebizond twisted silk for contrast. Stitches include bargello, simple hardanger, pulled thread, foursided edging stitch, hemstitches and silk ribbon embroidery. The sampler looks just lovely when framed, or you can finish it as a needleroll to match the chatelaine. The little scissors fob and ornaments are taken from various parts of the sampler, and instructions are given for these small items at the end of the leaflet.
Design area: 69h x 54w (4 1/2" high x 3 1/3" wide)
Model: 32ct Confederate Grey Belfast Linen:
Cut fabric: 11" X 10" for framing. (
Cut fabric: 11" X 7" for needleroll.)
Design area: 32 stitches wide
Model: 32ct Confederate Grey Belfast Linen
Cut fabric: 54" high X 6"wide)
Design area : 8w X 10h (.5" w X .6" h)
Model: 32ct Confederate Grey Belfast Linen
Cut fabric: 5" high X 5"wide)
Suggested Materials:
- 32ct Belfast Linen - Confederate Grey
- Mill Hill Glass Beads #3007
- #101 YLI Silk Ribbon 4mm -lilac
- #33 YLI Silk Ribbon 4mm -green
- Caron Collection Waterlilies - Fir
- DMC floss – 928, white
- 1 Spool Trebizond TRA595 - lilac
- DMC #5 Perle Cotton - white
- DMC #5 Perle Cotton - #927 med. teal
- DMC #5 Perle Cotton - #926 dk. Teal
- DMC #5 Perle Cotton - #211 lt. mauve
- DMC #12 Perle Cotton - #928 lt. teal
- #24 tapestry needle
- #10 short beading needle
Stitches used in this Sampler:
- Cross Stitch
- Backstitch
- Bargello
- Rhodes Heart
- Beadwork
- Pulled Wave Stitch
- Colonial Knots
- Lazy Daisy Stitch
- Hemstitching
- Smyrna Cross Stitch
- Straight Stitch
- Diamond Eye Variation
- Kloster Block
- Modified Kloster Block
- Woven Bars
- Doves Eyes
- Four Sided Edging Stitch
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