“To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wildflower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour.”
-W. Blake’s “Auguries of Innocence”
The soft apricot shades of the tropical Bougainvillea, the bright glory of nasturtiums, and the softly curving silhouette of the roof tiles all lend an air of calm and beauty to this new Gazebo Sampler. I first read the poem “Auguries of Innocence” when I most needed to, and I've loved it ever since. Blake shows a profound worldly and spiritual wisdom that is still relevant today. I wanted to stitch this particularly poignant verse into a sampler and a ‘gazebo’ sampler format seemed very appropriate. As I stitched, I once again felt as though this design stitched itself. It seems that some unseen muse had already worked out what was needed, because it felt so easy to choose the soft peach and green shades of the silks and the lovely new hemstitching bands. I was led to use many scrumptious overdyed silk and cotton flosses, silk ribbons, sparkling metallics and lustrous pearl beads in this sampler, choices which surprised me as I stitched on, and will delight you as you stitch, I’m sure!. This sampler is worked on the same fabric as the Silk Wysteria, Gazebo Roses, and Sweet Pea samplers, and will complement previous cooler purples and pink colours by introducing some warmer tones to this series. Enjoy stitching this exquisite gazebo sampler from my heart to yours! - Thea
Design area: 245h x 64w (17.5" high x 4.5" wide)
Model: 28ct Cashel Linen - Confederate Grey
Cut fabric: 24" high X 11" wide
Suggested Materials
- Gloriana silk #137 “Artic Ice” - multi blues med
- Gloriana silk #098 “Peach Blush” - multi peach
- Weeks #2245 “Grapefruit” - bright salmon med
- Access Soie 100/3 #004 - grey teal ul lt
- Access Au ver a Soie #5023 - green med
- Gloriana silk #111 “Bright Orange” - multi bright orange
- NN #4 Braid #4542 “Moon Cactus” - pink green metallic
- Kreinik #4 Braid #102 - vatican gold metallic
- Access Au ver a Soie #1746 - teal dk
- Access Au ver a Soie #5384 - blue lt
- Access Soie Perlee #621 - green lt
- YLI 4mm silk ribbon #032 - green med
- YLI 4mm silk ribbon #167 - salmon
- SJ Designs 2mm pearl beads - white
- SJ Designs petite beads #1859M - matte sand
- Mill Hill petite beads #40557 - gold
- Access Mother of Pearl Star bead
- Trebizond TRA 125 - white - 4 spools
- Soie Perlee #blanc - white - 50m
- 28ct Cashel Linen - Confederate Grey
- DMC #12 Perle Cotton - white
- #24 Tapestry Needle
- #10 short Beading Needle
Stitches used in this Sampler:
- Beadwork
- Lazy Daisy Stitch
- Japanese Ribbon Stitch
- Arrowhead Stitch
- Double Cross Eyelets
- Eyelet Hemstitch
- Herringbone Stitch
- Upright Crosses
- Bead Cup Stitch
- Captive Double Cross Stitch
- Plaited Cross Stitch
- Diamond Eyelet
- Partial Diamond Eyelet
- Colonial Knot
- Cross Stitch
- Backstitch
- Satin Stitch
- Kloster Blocks
- Partial Greek Cross
- Divided Wrapped Bars
- Double Cross Hemstitch
- Diagonal Leaf Stitch
- Straight Stitch
- Bargello
- Rhodes Heart
- Four Sided Stitch
- Trellis Stitch
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