A Companion to Silk Wysteria, this lovely sampler in shades of teal, rose, white and soft greens will lift your heart. The delicate gazebo is covered with a tumble of pretty pink silk ribbon roses. You will find this sampler a delight to stitch and wonderful to learn. All the various stitches make this a constant surprise, with various areas of Satin Stitching, Eyelets, Silk Ribbon, and other stitches like Hemstitching and Hardanger! The cutwork is simple but elegant, just right for this beautiful sampler! Shimmering soft gold metallic and petite gold beads add sunshine and the myriad floral bands give an impression of a garden in the early flush of Summer. The beautiful poem, "God's Garden", inspires love and gratitude for the peace found there. We're sure you'll love this sampler!
Design Area: 64 stitches x 238 stitches
Model: on 28ct. ConfederateGrey Quaker Cloth 4.5" x 17.5"
(Cut fabric: 11" x 24")
Suggested Materials
- Caron Waterlilies - #088 "Mountain Meadow"
- Gentle Art Sampler Threads "Tropical Ocean"
- YLI 4mm silk ribbon - #74 green
- YLI 4mm silk ribbon - #122 pink
- Mill Hill Petite beads #40557 gold
- SJ Designs 2mm pearl beads - white
- Access Fresh Waters Pearls - ivory
- Trebizond Silk TRA 125
- White Kreinik Cord 102C Soft Gold
- DMC Floss 928, 739, 738, 3768
- DMC #8 Perle Cotton 928, 926, 504
- DMC #12 Perle Cotton 928, white
- 28ct Quaker Cloth Confederate Grey
- #24 tapestry needle
- #10 short beading needle
Stitches used in this Sampler:
- Cross Stitch
- Half Cross Stitches
- Backstitch
- Satin Stitch
- Kloster Blocks
- Divided Bars
- Doves Eyes
- Beadwork
- Diamond Eyelets
- Japanese Ribbon Stitch
- Loop Stitch
- Rhodes Hearts
- Interlaced Hemstitch
- Herringbone Stitch
- Hemstitch
- Woven Hemstitch
- Smyrna Cross Stitch
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