"Friends are Blossoms In the Garden of Life" Mauve and violet Zinnias, Gillyflowers and Chrysanthemums (symbolizing thoughts of friends), and purple Forget-me-nots (symbolizing faithful love and memories) are represented in this elegant and dainty Friendship sampler. Worked on antique white pure linen, the colours of this design are based on the purple, soft violet and green of the beautiful Coventry Garden overdyed thread. The matching multicoloured blue-green and fuschia beads are lined with silver for that extra sparkle, and the use of delicate gold braid adds a touch of golden sunlight for happiness. At the bottom of the sampler, the exquisite Hardanger heart in the middle symbolizes the love between friends. On either side are two different intricately woven Hardanger Hearts representing the special people who form that friendship. I stitched this sampler to celebrate the joyful giving and receiving of friendship and love in my life. I appreciate each and every friend and this is my tribute to the blossoms in my garden.. In the leaflet, directions are also given for the lovely needleroll pictured here. The verse is the focal point, and the garden of friendship flowers surrounds it. Rhodes Hearts finish off this delicate needleroll!
I've also designed a separate Needlework Project Box top to match! The same glorious blossoms frame the word "friendship" and two Rhodes Hearts symbolizes your friendship. There is even space for you to include two names, or other words of friendship and love..
NOTE: The Friends Forever mini-ornament shown on the upper right of the main photo is available separately on our website as a downloadable PDF pattern.
Design area: 157h x 64w (11.2" high x 4" wide)
Model: 28ct Antique White Cashel Linen
(Cut fabric: 18" X 11")
Design area: 74h x 64w (5.25" high x 4.6" wide)
Model: 28ct Antique White Cashel Linen
(Cut fabric: 12" high X 8" wide)
Design area: 39h x 96w (2.7" x 6.5") for white box top
Model: 28ct Antique White Cashel Linen
(Cut fabric for framing or box top: 9" X 13")
Suggested Materials
- Access Soie Perlee #58 - jade green
- Kreinik #4 Braid #002 - gold
- Access Trebizond TRA 595 - periwinkle
- Au Ver A Soie #1343 - dark periwinkle
- Kreinik Silk Mori #6112 - antique pink light
- Kreinik Silk Mori #6116 - antique pink dark
- Kreinik Silk Mori #4166 - dark green
- Kreinik Silk Mori #0434 - antique yellow-green
- Kreinik Silk Mori #8000 - white
- Needle Necessities - #178 - Coventry Garden
- SJ Designs beads #53 - white translucent
- SJ Designs beads #59P - multicolour rainbow
- DMC #8 Perle Cotton - white
- DMC #12 Perle Cotton - white
- 28ct Cashel Linen - Antique White
- #24 Tapestry Needle
- #10 short Beading Needle
Stitches used in this Sampler:
- Cross Stitch
- Backstitch
- Lazy Daisy Modified Eyelets
- Foliage Stitch
- Straight Stitch
- Three Sided Eyelet
- Pulled Stitch
- Smyrna Cross
- Scotch Stitch
- Plait Stitch
- Rhodes Hearts
- Herringbone Stitch
- Four-Sided Hemstitch
- Modified Smyrna Cross
- Pulled Thread Stitches
- Kloster Blocks
- Algerian Eyes
- Four Sided Stitches
- Blanket Stitch
- Woven Spider Web
- Divided Wrapped Bars
- Greek Cross
- Edelweiss Flower
- Dove's Eyes
- Woven Bars
- Whipped Spider Web
PDF Pattern Purchase and Download Instructions
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