Mermaid Song - Pocket Fob Case Pinkeep - Embroidery and Cross Stitch Pattern - PDF Download
STITCHERS POCKET, SCISSORS FOB, SCISSORS CASE AND NEEDLESHELL! A lovely Mermaid sings her siren song on this nautically inspired set of needlework smalls. The collection includes various different pieces. The gorgeous Mermaid Stitcher’s Pocket, with Hardanger flap is finished in the shape of a shell. An adorable Needlecase shaped like a miniature version of the Needlepocket, a matching Scissors Fob as well as a Mermaid Scissors Case with another Hardanger flap closure, complete the entire assembly. You’ll find some unique silver charms to add a nautical flavor to your stitching. This design is stitched with the colours of the ocean. The luscious overdyed silks and regular silks, the overdyed cottons, the sparkling metallic threads and beads are all specially picked to delight the eye. There is a wonderful bargello design that outlines the scallops of the pocket ‘shell’ shape, and you’ll find it in the needlecase as well. Bargello is easy and so much fun, and you’ll learn a lot about it in this design. The Hardanger flaps are counted slightly differently, and the silk ribbon ‘kelp’ is just so practically swims off the linen! Be prepared to learn some new techniques, as well as stitch the easy Cross Stitched areas so you can relax and stitch without losing your concentration. I hope this collection captures your heart and that you use them with enjoyment, and perhaps bring them to many future stitching retreats. :) - Thea:)
Suggested cut for all pieces: 11"w x 38"h
Pocket Back
- Design Area: Design Area: 102w x 118h (7.25” wide x 8.4” high)
- Model: 28ct Cashel Linen - Light Amsterdam Blue:
- Cut fabric: 11“ wide x 12.5” high)
Pocket Front
- Design Area: 102w x 90h (7.25” wide x 6.4” high)
- Model: 28ct Cashel Linen - Light Amsterdam Blue:
- Cut fabric: 11“ wide x 10.5” high
Scissors Fob
- Design Area: 15w x 12h (1.05” w x .85” h)
- Model: 28ct Cashel Linen - Lt. Amsterdam Blue:
- Cut fabric: 3.5“ wide x 3.5” high
Scissors Case
- Design Back: 34w x 71h (2.4” wide x 5” high)
- Design Front: 34w x 55h (2.4” wide x 3.9” high)
- Model: 28ct Cashel Linen - Lt. Amsterdam Blue:
- Cut fabric: 5.5“ wide x 7.5” high for Back and 5.5" wide x 6.5" high for Front
Needle Shell
- Design Area: 76w x 80h (5.4” wide x 5.7” high)
- Model: 28ct Cashel Linen - Lt. Amsterdam Blue:
- Cut fabric: 7.5“ wide x 7.5” high
Suggested Materials
- Kreinik #4 Braid #002 - metallic gold - 11m spool
- Access Soie Perlee #creme - cream - 16m spool
- Gentle Art “Tin Bucket” - grey dk
- Gloriana silk #045 “Lacquered Gold” - multi gold
- Kreinik #4 Braid #0684 - metallic turquoise
- Kreinik Mori #0923 - yellow
- Kreinik Mori #3017 - red
- Kreinik Mori #4164 - green
- Kreinik Mori #5055 - blue dk
- Kreinik Mori #8000 - white
- Caron Wildflowers #121 - “Evergreen”- blue green
- GL4mm silk ribbon #046 “Fallen Leaves”
- Kreinik #4 Braid #041 - metallic multi
- Kreinik Mori #0103 - flesh
- Kreinik Mori #0414 - green lt
- Kreinik Mori #4046 - turquoise dk
- Kreinik Mori #5053 - blue lt
- Kreinik Mori #8050 - black
- Kreinik Mori #7024 - tan (sub for Gentle Art “Wood Smoke” - tans)
- Gloriana #050 - “Blue Grass”-blue, green, gold
- Kreinik Mori #4044 - turquoise
- Needlepoint Inc. #0945 - bright pink
- Needlepoint Inc. #0964 - grey brown
- Access Au ver a Soie #5024 - green dk
- Access Soie Perlee #058 - mint green
- SJ Designs petite bead #1848 - sea green
- SJ Designs petite bead #1805 - white
- SJ Designs 2mm pearl beads - white
- Charm clam shell - silver
- Charm mussel shell - silver
- Charm sand dollar - silver
- Charm star fish - silver
- Zweigart 28ct Cashel Linen - Lt. Amsterdam Blue
- DMC #12 Perle Cotton - white
- #24 tapestry needle
- #26 tapestry needle
- #10 short beading needle
Stitches used in this Sampler:
- Kloster Blocks
- Blanket Stitches
- Algerian Eyelets
- Cross Stitch
- Back Stitch
- Satin Stitch
- Woven Bars
- Dove's Eyes
- Partial Greek Cross
- Arrowhead Stitch
- Running Stitch Triangles
- Bargello Wave
- Satin Stitch Wave
- Japanese Ribbon Stitch
- French Knot
- Couching
- Lazy Daisy
- Cross Stitch over ONE fabric thread
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